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Our aims

The forum aims to support system-level change across the research and innovation landscape. We aim to do this by exploring, understanding and sharing knowledge of practices for tackling bullying and harassment.

We want to make sure that bullying and harassment is no longer an issue in the research and innovation sector by driving culture and environmental change across the system.


Our three objectives are to:

Lead and set the strategic direction of the research and innovation sector in preventing and tackling bullying and harassment at a system level. We’ll do this by sharing learnings and best practice from across the research and innovation sector, nationally and internationally.

Be an authority on tackling bullying and harassment across the research and innovation sector. As a forum we’ll do this by identifying opportunities to collaborate and work consistently across the sector, targeting areas for action.

Identify opportunities for alignment of policies to reduce bureaucracy. We’ll also focus on creating healthy research and innovation cultures and environments that people can trust and where they can be safe.