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New principles launched to tackle bullying and harassment in research and innovation

The Forum for Tackling Bullying and Harassment in Research and Innovation (FTBH) has published a set of principles aimed at supporting culture change in the sector. 

The shared principles were co-developed by the sector organisations that participate in the FTBH. They focus on preventing and tackling bulling and harassment through positive behaviours and cultures.

The principles highlight factors such as transparency, good citizenship and culture change as important in preventing and tackling bullying and harassment.

Read the principles here.

A diverse range of organisations and perspectives contributed to the development of the principles, which will be used by the Forum to reflect on practices and policies, and underpin and drive improvement and progress.

Development was jointly led by Dr Christina Guindy, Associate Director of Research Programmes and Awards at the Royal Academy of Engineering and Craig Elmer-White, Deputy Director of Professional Services at the University of Glasgow, representing the Association of Research Managers and Administrators (ARMA).

They said: “We are both passionate about addressing bullying and harassment and were honoured to be asked to co-chair the Principle working group.

We took the approach of working collaboratively with as many forum members as possible, enabling them to engage and input into the development of key themes and concepts. This led to the creation of a set of key principles that we hope will support and guide our colleagues within the Research and Innovation sector.”

If you would like to engage or learn more about the principles, please contact